
Product Code:HEADS1-150

UPC Code:HEADS1-150

Durable heat-resistant, solvent-proof Laboratory stretch film

  • Heat-resistant and microwave compatible for temperatures up to 100°C (boiling water)
  • Highly resistant to solvents and caustic agents
  • Film can stretch 500–800% before breaking or tearing
  • Forms an airtight barrier and is twice as long as some other brands
  • Disposable
Upc Code Code Size Ideal Use
HEADS1-150 HEADS1-150 25 mm x 46 m/ 1.0 in x 150 ft Tubes/Vials
HEADS2-500 HEADS2-500 50 mm x 152 m / 2.0 in 500 ft Beakers
HEADS4-250 HEADS4-250 100 mm x 76 m / 4.0 x 250 ft Jars/Bottles
HEADS4-500 HEADS4-500 100 mm x 152 m / 4.0 in x 500 ft Jars/Bottles
HEADS5-150 HEADS5-150 127 mm x 46 in / 5.0 in x 46 ft Large Containers

Film peregangan Laboratorium tahan panas dan tahan pelarut yang tahan lama

Tahan panas dan kompatibel dengan microwave untuk suhu hingga 100 ° C (air mendidih)
Sangat tahan terhadap pelarut dan bahan kaustik
Film dapat meregang 500–800% sebelum pecah atau robek
Membentuk penghalang kedap udara dan dua kali lebih panjang dari beberapa merek lain
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