The Enhanced Brookfield UL Adapter is used with any standard Brookfield Viscometer and Rheometer to make accurate and reproducible measurements on low viscosity materials. Newtonian and non-Newtonian materials can be measured. It is most commonly used with the LV series instrument (at 60 rpm, these models have a full scale range of 1-10 cP with the UL Adapter).

The UL Adapter consists of a precision cylindrical spindle rotating inside an accurately machined tube. Its rheologically correct cylindrical geometry provides extremely accurate viscosity measurements and shear rate determinations. The tube has a removable end cap which allows the open ended tube to be used in a beaker or tank. With the cap in place, the closed tube can be immersed in a temperature bath or used with the ULA-40Y water jacket for precise temperature control. Working temperature range is from -1°C to 100°C.


  • Ideal for low viscosity materials
  • Stainless steel parts are easily cleaned
  • Removable cap of low density polyethylene can be considered disposable for one-time use if required
  • Reduces measuring range to as low as 1 cP, depending on viscometer used
  • Small sample size: 16 mL
  • Simple attachment to a standard Brookfield Viscometer or DV3T Rheometer
  • Cylindrical geometry provides defined shear rates for detailed product analysis
  • Longer coupling nut for better grip and twist action to connect spindle to viscometer
  • Redesigned bracket for attaching ULA assembly to viscometer. Provides more clearance for finger grip on coupling nut

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