Product Code:HEA234521
UPC Code:HS234521
Holds Lab Wipes such as Kimwipes® and other major brands
Clear acrylic holders fit boxes of small or large lab wipes.
- Mount on a shelf or wall
- The smaller version attaches with double-stick tape and the larger version with screws
- Mounting materials included
Upc Code | Code | Description | L x W x D |
HS234521 | HEA234521 | Small Holder | 118 x 122 x 84 mm |
HS234522 | HEA234522 | Large Holder | 320 x 127 x 97 mm |
Memegang Tisu Lab seperti Kimwipes® dan merek utama lainnya
Pemegang akrilik bening cocok dengan kotak tisu lab kecil atau besar.
Pasang di rak atau dinding
Versi yang lebih kecil dipasang dengan selotip ganda dan versi yang lebih besar dengan sekrup
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