Glassware Merk Duran, RRC, Pyrex, Herma seperti : - Acid Bottle - Aspirator bottle - Beakerglass Low form/ Tall form - BOD bottle - Boiling flasks - Buchner funnel - Burette, automatic - Centrifuge tube - Ceran laboratory - Crystallizing dish - Culture flask - Dessicator with screw thread - Dessicator vacuum, with screw - Dropping bottle Amber glass/ Clear glass - Erlenmeyer - Evaporating dish with spout - Filter crucible - Filter crucible - Filter funnel in 3 section - Filtering flask with hise connection - Funnel with short stem / long stem - Iodine flask - Kjedahl flask - Laboratory bottle - Pear shape flask - Petridish - Pipette filler - Reagent bottle - Rubber gaskets - Separating funnel - Swuare bottle - Staining jar - Test Tube - Culture tube - Watch glass - Water jump - Weighing bottle - Woulff bottle with 3 ground necks - Round bottom flask - Flat bottom flask

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