Product Code:HEA234526A

UPC Code:HS234526A

Moisture-proof film molds to surface
Parafilm® M is a semi-transparent, flexible, thermoplastic film with two-way stretch.

  • Non-toxic and free from plasticizers, primarily composed of polyolefins and paraffin waxes offering good resistance against acids, alkalis and some organic solvents—use not recommended with acetone, diethyl ether or tetrachloride
  • Protect the integrity of research applications with a tight moisture-barrier that holds a strong seal and doesn’t release from glassware, despite off-gassing
  • Reduce the risk of tampered data with a covering that is odorless, colorless and semi-transparent
  • Prevents moisture and volume loss due to material composition and tight seal
  • Flexible and self-sealing material allows it to cling around irregular shapes and surfaces
  • Stretches more than 200% of original length
  • Resistant up to 48 hours against many polar substances such as saline solutions, inorganic acids and alkaline solutions
  • Two color options available in 2” rolls (natural and purple) for color coding purposes
  • Disposable

Efficient and cost-effective covering for:

  • Test tubes
  • Beakers
  • Vials
  • Petri dishes
  • Flasks
  • Various other instruments and objects with irregular surfaces
  • Overwrap to further secure stoppers, lids and caps
  • Shelf or tray liner to prevent slipping of bottles or instruments


  • Oxygen: (ASTM 1927-98) 150 cc/m² d at 23°C and 50% RH
  • Carbon Dioxide: (Modulated IR Method) 1200 cc/m² d at 23°C and 0% RH
  • Water Vapor: (ASTM F1249-01)
    • Flat: 1 g/m² d at 38°C and 90% RH
    • Creased: 1 g/m² d at 38°C and 90% RH

Effects of Common Reagents
Potassium Permanganate

  • 5%: No apparent effect except permanent dark brown coloration in 18 hours
  • 0.1%: Same as 5% except slightly less color

Iodine solution (0.1N)

  • No effect except staining brown in 18 hours

Ethyl Alcohol (95%)

  • No apparent effect except some face whitening in 24 hours

No apparent effect in 24 hours:

  • Hydrochloric Acid conc. (12N)dil. (5n)
  • Sulphuric Acid conc. (36n) dil. (5n)
  • Nitric Acid conc. (16n) dil. (5n)
  • Sodium Hydroxide conc. (22%)
  • Ammonium Hydroxide conc. (28% NH3)
  • Salt (NACL) solution (20%)
  • Isopropyl Alcohol (99%)
  • Not recommended for use with chlorinated, non-polar aliphatic and aromatic solvents
  • Film becomes soft and sticky at about 130°F to 150°F (68°C)
Parafilm® is a registered trademark of Bemis Company, Inc.
Upc Code Code Film Width Roll Length Other(s)
HS234526A HEA234526A 2 in (5 cm) 250 ft (75 m)
  • Color: Natural
HS234526B HEA234526B 4 in (10 cm) 125 ft (38 m)
  • Color: Natural
HS234526C HEA234526C 4 in (10 cm) 250 ft (75 m)
  • Color: Natural
HS120265 120265 20 in (50.8 cm) 50 ft (16 m)
  • Color: Natural
120762 2 in (5 cm) 250 ft (75 m)
  • Color: Purple

Cetakan film tahan lembab ke permukaan
Parafilm® M adalah film termoplastik semi-transparan, fleksibel, dengan peregangan dua arah.

Tidak beracun dan bebas dari pemlastis, terutama terdiri dari poliolefin dan lilin parafin yang menawarkan ketahanan yang baik terhadap asam, alkali, dan beberapa pelarut organik—penggunaan tidak direkomendasikan dengan aseton, dietil eter, atau tetraklorida
Lindungi integritas aplikasi penelitian dengan penghalang kelembaban ketat yang menahan segel kuat dan tidak terlepas dari barang pecah belah, meskipun tidak mengandung gas
Kurangi risiko data rusak dengan penutup yang tidak berbau, tidak berwarna, dan semi-transparan
Mencegah hilangnya kelembapan dan volume karena komposisi material dan segel yang rapat
Bahan yang fleksibel dan menyegel sendiri memungkinkannya menempel di sekitar bentuk dan permukaan yang tidak beraturan
Membentang lebih dari 200% dari panjang aslinya
Tahan hingga 48 jam terhadap banyak zat polar seperti larutan garam, asam anorganik, dan larutan basa
Tersedia dua pilihan warna dalam gulungan 2” (alami dan ungu) untuk tujuan pengkodean warna
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