Product Code:120554

UPC Code:HS120554

This kit offers over $150.00 in savings compared to purchasing the kit components separately!

Kit Includes:
1 - Universal Carousel Pipette Stand - Assorted Colors
1 - Pearl Pipette Volume Range 2–20 μL
1 - Pearl Pipette Volume Range 20–200 μL
1 - Pearl Pipette Volume Range 100–1000 μL
5 - Reagent Reservoirs 50 mL Sterile

Universal Carousel Pipette Stand
Hold and store pipettes in style with the Universal Carousel Pipette Stand by Heathrow Scientific that holds up to 8 single-channel, 4 multi- channel, or a combination of both pipettes
A sleek and modern design enables this stand to securely hold virtually every known brand of pipette in the marketplace making it truly
‘universal’ while adding a pop of color to a bench top

Reagent Reservoirs

Multi-channel reservoirs by Heathrow Scientific are superior in every way with thicker walls, crush-resistant “turrets” at the corners, easy pour-spouts, 25 mL graduation marks, and tabs to prevent stacked reservoirs from sticking together

Pearl® Pipettes

The sleek, ergonomic design and reduced plunger pressure help reduce the chance of Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI), as the pipettes require 2/3 the operation pressure of most standard pipettes
Each pipette calibrated and a calibration certificate is supplied

Manufactured in accordance with ISO8655 and GMP regulations


Kit ini menawarkan penghematan lebih dari $150,00 dibandingkan dengan membeli komponen kit secara terpisah!

Paket Termasuk:
1 – Penyangga Pipet Korsel Universal – Aneka Warna
1 – Rentang Volume Pipet Mutiara 2–20 L
1 – Rentang Volume Pipet Mutiara 20–200 L
1 – Rentang Volume Pipet Mutiara 100–1000 L
5 – Reagen Reservoir 50 mL Steril

Penyangga Pipet Korsel Universal
Pegang dan simpan pipet dengan gaya dengan Universal Carousel Pipette Stand by Heathrow Scientific yang menampung hingga 8 saluran tunggal, 4 saluran multi, atau kombinasi kedua pipet
Desain ramping dan modern memungkinkan dudukan ini menahan hampir semua merek pipet terkenal di pasaran dengan aman, menjadikannya benar-benar
‘universal’ sambil menambahkan semburat warna ke atas bangku

Reagen Reservoir
Reservoir multi-saluran oleh Heathrow Scientific lebih unggul dalam segala hal dengan dinding yang lebih tebal, “turret” tahan benturan di sudut, cerat tuang yang mudah, tanda kelulusan 25 mL, dan tab untuk mencegah penampung yang ditumpuk saling menempel

Pipet Pearl®
Desain ramping, ergonomis, dan tekanan plunger yang berkurang membantu mengurangi kemungkinan Cedera Stres Berulang (RSI), karena pipet memerlukan 2/3 tekanan operasi dari sebagian besar pipet standar
Setiap pipet dikalibrasi dan sertifikat kalibrasi diberikan

Diproduksi sesuai dengan peraturan ISO8655 dan GMP