ampONE™ Taq DNA polymerase is a recombinant enzyme derived from Thermus aquaticus, which is cloned and expressed in E. coli and possesses the same functions as the native enzyme. This enzyme is a thermostable DNA
polymerase of 94 kDa and can be used in various experiments such as general PCR, RT-PCR, and dideoxy-terminator-cycle sequencing. We have performed the quality control through activity test, purity test and endonuclease activity test.

Features and Benefits

  • High fidelity, High purity
  • Provides HQ buffer for the amplification of a higher order structure such GC-rich templates
  • No 3′→ 5′ exonuclease activity Addition of a single adenosine at 3′ end of the extension product

■ General PCR
■ TA-cloning
■ DNA sequencing

Alat Laboratorium Kesehatan.